Sunday 4 September 2011

I have noticed of late that the episode titles seemingly have no relevance to what happens in the rest of the show.  Today's entry named "The Man who sailed around his soul" was distinctly average.  It was in the weirdest order.  In fact I don't think it was in any order really.  It seemed to revolve around Jamie's baseball game, but with weird irrelevant flashbacks.  I know I keep saying this but the theme tune?  Really?  What was that?  I would prefer silence.

What excited me the most about this episode (except for Quinn in that outrageously small bikini) was the potential return of Dan Scott.  He did not actually appear, but I feel his return could be imminent.  I hope he isn't all reformed and sweet if he does though, he needs to be classic evil Dan Scott, my favourite villain since Jafar.  How trying it will be for Nathan if he seeks to rebuild their relationship.

By some complicated version of events involving urine samples, it turns out by the grace of God Brooke Davis is finally pregnant.  It was always going to happen, especially after the adoption disaster.  I was more pleased for Julian, and it appears they are now not leaving, which at least means they have some characters of substance remaining.

The mean tutor turned out not to be so mean, and Nathan, Quinn and Julian performed some sort of mafia style road trip with the Nathan Scott of baseball and taught him a lesson at the bridge where he had crashed previously.  I enjoyed it greatly when Nathan offered to help him from the water, and then smacked him in the face.  Go Scott!

Besides the classic American TV sports episode of hitting a winner in the last minute of the game, a trait which Jamie seems to have successfully inherited from his father, and Chuck being annoying, not much else happened.  Two more episodes to go.  Then whatever will I write about.  Probably nothing, as noone reads it anyway.

Ta la x

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