Sunday, 20 May 2012

Chef Jeff

I found this episode entirely insignificant up until the final 4 seconds.  Here we are, 3 episodes in to the final season, the grande finale, and at last we have drama.  Hazaa!!!

Initially, it was so boring I had decided not to blog about it.  We have Jamie working at the cafe, he is 10 and jesting about child labour.  Chef Jeff, (lol by the way at the amount of time it must have taken to come up with that ingenious name), has quit the cafe.  The cafe is in itself extraordinarily weird in light of the fact that all of the customers seem to be in constant conversation with everyone else in the entire establishment.  Who could fill the huge void, left by this most wonderful of chefs called Jeff, who can flip burgers?  Dan Scott.  Predicted that correctly after about minus 9 seconds.  Snooze.  It did stimulate some thought in my brain though.  Would I want a fry up cooked by a murderer?  Couldn't decide?  Harold Shipman's Sunday Roast doesn't sound that appealing to be honest.

Julian was being a weirdo in the film studio thing he has decided to buy.  Why would anyone buy that in Tree Hill?  Last time I heard, that Hollywood place was pretty big on the movie scene, maybe he should have thought of there.  Slash, how do they have so much money, I thought he and Brooke were poor now?  Oh well, the fantasy lies of Tree Hill continue.

Mouth is still fat.  Millicent shouted at him on live TV, because she fears for his health. Christ woman.  His health?  He only has a fat neck.  I enjoy they're portraying this as some sort of eating disorder, when he has never been fat during the previous 8 years of entertainment.

As yes.  Quinn in her bra.  Lovely.  She is exquisitely beautiful.  I think I may actually love her, but God mental much? Pharmacy rings Clay asking why he hasn't picked up his prescription, she naturally stalks him to photograph him buying drugs.  This story would be good, if it had actual longevity and consistency.  You can't just make up a story when there is no background to it.  I don't even know now if he was an insomniac, had a serious disease or is a drug mule.  Who knows.  I predict I shall never find out.  There was also a nice seen involving Quinn in ridiculously short shorts on the beach looking depressed.  Ramalamadingdong.

Brooke went to play golf with her Dad, but he obvs binned her off because he's the mean Dad in town.  Dan Scott would absolutely smash him.  She was also wearing a ridiculously short skirt, which is entirely unpractical for golf, and extremely unflattering for the once extremely attractive B Davis.  I think that pretty much covers all the boring parts except for Chris Keller and Chase getting drunk and going the strippers.  Chase obviously depressed about Filth leaving, but too gay to enjoy women removing there clothes.

And now for the big finish.  This is actually good.  Good old responsible Jules, desperate to make he is way in the movie world leaves his poorly baby in the car.  I did spend most of the episode wondering why is he wandering round without the child he so obviously took out, but just presumed it would be another floor in the unconnected, uninteresting web of insignificant stories of the series so far.  But no, responsible Jules appears to be up shit creek without a paddle.

For the first time since that reasonably exciting episode when there was the storm in the last season (but which was notably ruined by everyone surviving) I am looking forward to the next episode.  Exciting times lie ahead.  Unless of course they decide it is all a dream - wouldn't be the first time.

Ta la x

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