Tuesday 23 August 2011

Dan Scott!!

Hurrah! Who would have thought that only today I would have written about Dan Scott, and then he should appear again.  Working at a burger shack in the woods, rocking an interesting bearded wild man look. Oh well he is of course a crazed murdering lunatic and can therefore pull off most looks.  His aim seemed somehow to persuade Quinn not to murder the murderer.  I am slightly confused as to this storyline, as there seems to be absolutely no police involvement whatsoever.  All they seem to have done was to put some tape across the front door of the beach house.  This "do not enter" sign was ignored by Nathan previously who then appeared to scrub all evidence from the scene.  How annoying for Quinn that she didn't have it in her to brutally murder the blonde murderer.  Especially now that she's back and Quinn threw her gun in the sea.  Looks like she's going to regret that decision.  Didn't see that coming - oh no wait yes I did.

Brooke and Julian, Bless.  He took her on a fake sky dive and  then to a place with the most ridiculously large moon known to man.  I enjoy that Brooke has lost everything and yet still drives a big jeep and a lives in a huge house.  Maybe the debtors didn't notice those assets when she "lost everything".

Last week a NBA star, yesterday an agent, today a college student.  Nathan what are you doing?  Be reasonable and live off your success.

Alex the actress was hotter than ever and deceived Amy Winehouse by kissing Chase.  I hope he deceives Winehouse too and then she leaves Tree Hill for good then overdoses on crack.  The Irish person sang tonight   and I still don't understand her.  Kid Kudi appeared for no reason, using the classic "You'll never guess who I've booked at tric" line.  Jeez, they've only used that about 35 million times.  At least its better than when Sheryl Crow walked into Karen's Cafe by chance back in the day.

Generally a decent episode, but not without its disappointment.  Anything with Dan Scott in, and Mouth not in has to be reasonable.

Ta la x

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