Monday 29 August 2011

Just when it couldn't possible get any worse....

Oh Christ.  It was actually possible to make an even worse episode than the previous debacle.  Naturally the writers must think that if they manage to somehow produce one episode of quality, they therefore do not have to put any effort into forthcoming shows.

A stupid comic book theme appeared to be the basis of this particular shambles.  When it started with the comic book style opening I knew what I was in for.  Terrible throughout.  Why did Brooke think today I shall be a super hero and help a stranger/  Some poor victim of bullying rings up a helpline and is presented with three mentally unstable young women to aid her.  I'm pretty sure they made a huge thing of Hayley not breaching the confidentiality of the people who call her so called "crisis center" and off Brooke, Quinn and Hayley go and dress up as weird super heroes for no reason and simply say mean things to the bullies.  They did look super hot though,  Quinn and Brooke that is.  Hayley looked hideous.  I love how her size fluctuates so between episodes.

Meanwhile, Nathan and Clay, alongside the man from the Blind Side, decided to teach the mean lecturer a lesson in business. Now, I am pretty certain the man who wrote the book about business has an idea about business.  But no! Nathan, who has been a high flyer of the commercial world for all of 6 minutes, knows that its all about the relationships.  How can he prove this?  He gets his friend Clay to do some weird stand up moral preach during the lecture.  Great,  There was absolutely no follow up to this, and it seemingly served no purpose whatsoever.

Chase and the stupid annoying kid went flying for some reason, I do not care for either.  Mouth was cast in a Tree Hill College commercial for a reason that only Christ the Lord himself knows.  Who would cast him seriously?  His lips would engulf the screen. I hope that this college idea is not to be pursued any further, after all, everyone in Tree Hill is past their college days.  Except Jamie,  Oh dear God I hope they are not planning to keep it going until Jamie has to go to college.  Can you imagine what they would be writing about by that time!

Skills continued to be present for no reason, and the sexy actress decided to sing, annoying Amy Winehouse, and then allowing them to share a "musician's moment" when surprise surprise she could actually sing.

Surely it cannot possibly get worse than this.

Ta la x

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