Sunday 4 September 2011

I have noticed of late that the episode titles seemingly have no relevance to what happens in the rest of the show.  Today's entry named "The Man who sailed around his soul" was distinctly average.  It was in the weirdest order.  In fact I don't think it was in any order really.  It seemed to revolve around Jamie's baseball game, but with weird irrelevant flashbacks.  I know I keep saying this but the theme tune?  Really?  What was that?  I would prefer silence.

What excited me the most about this episode (except for Quinn in that outrageously small bikini) was the potential return of Dan Scott.  He did not actually appear, but I feel his return could be imminent.  I hope he isn't all reformed and sweet if he does though, he needs to be classic evil Dan Scott, my favourite villain since Jafar.  How trying it will be for Nathan if he seeks to rebuild their relationship.

By some complicated version of events involving urine samples, it turns out by the grace of God Brooke Davis is finally pregnant.  It was always going to happen, especially after the adoption disaster.  I was more pleased for Julian, and it appears they are now not leaving, which at least means they have some characters of substance remaining.

The mean tutor turned out not to be so mean, and Nathan, Quinn and Julian performed some sort of mafia style road trip with the Nathan Scott of baseball and taught him a lesson at the bridge where he had crashed previously.  I enjoyed it greatly when Nathan offered to help him from the water, and then smacked him in the face.  Go Scott!

Besides the classic American TV sports episode of hitting a winner in the last minute of the game, a trait which Jamie seems to have successfully inherited from his father, and Chuck being annoying, not much else happened.  Two more episodes to go.  Then whatever will I write about.  Probably nothing, as noone reads it anyway.

Ta la x

Wednesday 31 August 2011

You do not deceive me One Tree Hill

Aha! Some classic One Tree Hill deception was brought out in today's episode.  Trying to trick us mere mortals that the mean tutor had run into Jamie and Brooke's car on the bridge on that almost fatal night.  I of course was not fooled at all, and did not even doubt once that he was responsible for the crime.  So obvious.  The hard father with the difficult relationship with his son sacrifices everything he has so that his son can succeed.  A classic.  I can't believe it took Nathan so long to work out.

Julian was very angry in this particular episode, it did not suit him at all.  I much prefer him as a wise owl.

Quinn grated me exceptionally.  She is generally annoying as a character and I feel I only allow this as she is so fit.  I realised tonight for the first time that in the opening credits they show Millicent wearing her "zero is not a size t-shirt", despite the fact that Quinn is as wide as a broom handle. This of course, is by know means a bad thing, just saying.  Theme tune was also shocking again.

How big was that baby by the way?  Jesus.

Ooooooo. Look at us.  We're Millicent and Mouth, team journo.  What should we write about?  Drug stores? Planes?  Oh no wait, they have no relevance to anything.  AHA!!! They are building on the river court, let's prevent this because of all the memories.  Let's write about that. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Chase.  Be reasonable.  Get with Alex.  You will never do any better.  Especially not with Amy Winehouse.

Brooke leaving for New York, the river court closing, Nathan quitting basketball.  It all seems to be coming to a nice uneventful end.  I am concerned another season beckons though.  What misery can we expect from that?  I cannot contain my excitement.

Ta la x


A twist.  Two in fact!  They did come in separate episodes, as individually they were far too boring to be written about in separate entities.  Therefore I decided to create a superblog. Lol.   I was most delighted, and actually punched my fist in the air with elation when the second twist arrived.

First twist being that the Nathan Scott of Baseball was the man who knocked the car into the river.  I had incorrectly, although in light of recent predictability, entirely reasonably assumed it was Chase, as there have been several shots of him drinking recently.  I also wondered if it was going to be the annoying child's alcoholic mother.  I'm glad that it was who it is though.  Will Nathan give him a chance or will he ruin him like he deserves to be ruined?  I presume that One Tree Hill's obsession with morality will ensure that the Nathan Scott of baseball pays for what he has done.  Hear hear!

In the birthing episode, they went for the classic flashback style.  I quite enjoyed this, as it reminded me of the days when One Tree Hill was actually good.  From the start I had hoped that one of several situations would arise - that Hayley would die, that the baby would die, that Brooke's baby would be an ethnic minority or that  the girl would decide not to give up her child.  My dream was in fact that Mouth would be run over by a steam roller, but that was probably too much to wish for and also slightly irrelevant.  The last one, arguably the most likely, happened.  I was pleased it did, as I enjoy watching the suffering more than the joy.  Poor Brooke and Julian, they were so close to the most ridiculously easy adoption in history, only to have it snatched from them at the final moments.  Oh well, I'm sure she will either miraculously become pregnant or get a child soon enough.  I also enjoyed how she held Hayley's baby whilst suppressing her pain.  Well done Brooke.

Jamie Scott's weird narration was also highly unnecessary and irrelevant.  I do not care about how many babies are born daily.  I do not watch One Tree Hill to find out such information.

Finally, I keep forgetting to do this but the theme tunes are deteriorating at a rate of knots.  Every episode has a different one.  This one was a nice little grunge number.  I'm sure Gavin de Graw or whatever his name is will not be content.  Maybe they are going to bring out a One Tree Hill Season 8 theme tunes album.  I will not be buying it, nor should anyone.  They'll be lucky if anyone buys the box set.

Ta la x

Tuesday 30 August 2011

The 40 minute adoption

Speechless.  It is highly ironic that I have formulated the strength to blog about this episode.  I even said previously that it would take Brooke and Julian 40 minutes to adopt a child.  I didn't realise it was so easy.  Really, one should urge the writers of One Tree Hill to advise all those desperate want to be parents across the world that it only takes one day.  You just go and meet a pregnant girl, lie during an interview, then allow her to have your home address so that she can bring round some cookies and meet your friends and discover your lies, then allow her to leave for a short time to mull over the relatively minor decision of giving up her child, and then allow her back just before bedtime to confirm that the child will be yours upon birthing.  FML.  How insulting.  I mean did they actually consider that a real person who was undergoing such a sensitive ordeal as adoption, would go home after their first meeting, and jump on the bed shouting "i'm getting a baby, i'm getting a baby".  Christ almighty.

This episode's only saving grace was that Hayley decided to refer to the near drowning of her son, best friend and her partner.  It has only been 4 episodes without mentioning the storm episode.  Hayley decided to thank Brooke for the feat of saving her son's life (even though it was Julian) conveniently in front of the potential birth mother, making Brooke seem perfect, in spite of the many flaws revealed moments before.  I of course presume this is what Hayley was referring to, although it is entirely likely that past heroics to save Jamie Scott by Brooke Davis have simply slipped my mind.

I do not like the ugly Nathan Scott of baseball, he is a jerk.  Why would anyone sign him?  He clearly is lacking practically all of the qualities required of a professional sportsman.  I do enjoy however that Nathan's college life appears to have taken a back step.  Perhaps that was just too boring to continue further.

I almost cut myself when I saw Quinn having flashbacks of the weird heaven-like garden that she and Clay decided to visit when they were half dead.  Why was that necessary?  I had presumed that Clay would propose there and then, but obviously that was just too predictable.  The proposal must be days away now.

Considering One Tree Hill is meant to be a teen drama, it lacks a considerable amount of drama.  It is boring and predictable, yet somehow addictive.  If someone has actually read this attempt at a blog, I do believe to date 4 people have had the pleasure, they may wonder why I watch it.  This question I cannot answer, I feel like it still has something good to give, but is just currently failing on all fronts.  We shall see.

Ta la x

Monday 29 August 2011

Valentine's Shite

I want to blend my face.  What in the name of God is happening to this programme.  People do not watch One Tree Hill for this weird happy happy romance.  They want pain, anguish, heart break , Dan Scott, lust, death, excitement.  The show is now entirely void of any of the characteristics that once made it so great.  It is entirely predictable and cliche. Nathan and Hayley are so happily married it makes me want to vomit.  Surely they could think of something to drive a wedge between them.  An affair would be excellent.

Quinn and Clay are such a bore as well.  If she wasn't so attractive I would wish her away.  Who the hell was that moaning tattooed singer?  The fact that Brooke is unable to conceive makes her and Julian somewhat interesting, although no doubt they will manage to adopt a baby within 40 minutes any day now.  I wish Nathan would stop seeing himself in all young athletes and that he wasn't so deep all the time.

The Chase and annoying child thing is verging on weird now.  What the hell is a big brother?  I jut hate Mouth, but major lols if Millicent got the job instead of him.

Ta la x

Just when it couldn't possible get any worse....

Oh Christ.  It was actually possible to make an even worse episode than the previous debacle.  Naturally the writers must think that if they manage to somehow produce one episode of quality, they therefore do not have to put any effort into forthcoming shows.

A stupid comic book theme appeared to be the basis of this particular shambles.  When it started with the comic book style opening I knew what I was in for.  Terrible throughout.  Why did Brooke think today I shall be a super hero and help a stranger/  Some poor victim of bullying rings up a helpline and is presented with three mentally unstable young women to aid her.  I'm pretty sure they made a huge thing of Hayley not breaching the confidentiality of the people who call her so called "crisis center" and off Brooke, Quinn and Hayley go and dress up as weird super heroes for no reason and simply say mean things to the bullies.  They did look super hot though,  Quinn and Brooke that is.  Hayley looked hideous.  I love how her size fluctuates so between episodes.

Meanwhile, Nathan and Clay, alongside the man from the Blind Side, decided to teach the mean lecturer a lesson in business. Now, I am pretty certain the man who wrote the book about business has an idea about business.  But no! Nathan, who has been a high flyer of the commercial world for all of 6 minutes, knows that its all about the relationships.  How can he prove this?  He gets his friend Clay to do some weird stand up moral preach during the lecture.  Great,  There was absolutely no follow up to this, and it seemingly served no purpose whatsoever.

Chase and the stupid annoying kid went flying for some reason, I do not care for either.  Mouth was cast in a Tree Hill College commercial for a reason that only Christ the Lord himself knows.  Who would cast him seriously?  His lips would engulf the screen. I hope that this college idea is not to be pursued any further, after all, everyone in Tree Hill is past their college days.  Except Jamie,  Oh dear God I hope they are not planning to keep it going until Jamie has to go to college.  Can you imagine what they would be writing about by that time!

Skills continued to be present for no reason, and the sexy actress decided to sing, annoying Amy Winehouse, and then allowing them to share a "musician's moment" when surprise surprise she could actually sing.

Surely it cannot possibly get worse than this.

Ta la x

Thursday 25 August 2011

The Wedding

That episode was so excruciatingly boring I have absolutely nothing to say on the matter.  I enjoyed the Harry Potter reference and that was all.

I actually made an explosion sound as they drove off down the road hoping that their truck would blow up because it was so pathetic.

Ta la x

They did not just do that

Really?  After the previous almost genius episode they produce something so atrocious that I am in fact lost for words.  No mention whatsoever of the near death experiences or that Quinn shot someone.  Not so much as an acknowledgement of the trauma.  Instead a drunken bachorlerette party.  Of course, I should have known the only way to celebrate nearly drowning is to get wasted.  I should have known it was going to be terrible when they used an electronic version of the theme tune.

It was entirely terrible from start to finish.  Why was Dave Navarro in it?  No reason.  It was entirely obvious that Brooke had not slept with anyone and that it was Julian whom she kissed.  It was basically a shitty One Tree Hill version of the Hangover.  Abysmal.  It could only been worse if Mouth was in it.

Love how they also managed to sneak in that Peyton wasn't going to make it to the wedding.  Well isn't that a surprise.  She was obviously too sane to partake in any of this trivia.  Whoever next won't be able to make it?  Lucas perhaps?

I have nothing else to say about that other than it was one to rival the worst ever (excluding the 1940's one).

Ta la x

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Almost One Tree Hill, Almost

Well didn't they almost have it.  So close.  It was in their grasp.  Almost an episode to rival the greats.  But no, they couldn't quite do it.  They couldn't follow it through.

"Darkness of the Edge of Town" was the name of the episode, which enticed me greatly as a Springsteen fan.  Started off nicely with the actual One Tree Hill theme tune, instead of those weird versions they have been doing of late.  A good sign.  Its the theme tune, leave it.  People hear that song and associate it with the show, do not diverge from this age old format.

Then the classic storm.  You know something is brewing in American TV shows when a storm rolls in.  A storm combined with a returning mass murderer is certainly an intriguing combination.  Four entirely unoriginal   situations arise, we have Nathan and Hayley driving home, we have poor Jamie and his annoying friend and girlfriend riding with the teacher, we have Brooke and Julian fighting and of course Quinn home alone, Clay of course being unable to travel due to the weather.  Slightly odd that Jamie should choose to ride with his teacher for no reason and Julian and Brooke should have a fight on this most inhospitable of evenings.

Nathan and Hayley get a flat tyre.  At this point I was expecting werewolves or zombies to appear, which would have resulted in the turning off of One Tree Hill forevermore, but fortunately such fate was avoided.  Then Brooke and Julian fight and she drives off. She then finds Jamie and the gang turned over at the side of the road.  BRILLIANT.  This delighted me greatly.  The teacher looked gravely injured, but the children seemed fine.  Two got out, then miraculously the teacher escaped but Jamie was trapped so Brooke helps him by getting into the car.  She also lets the teacher, who clearly is not adept at coping with such adverse weather conditions when driving proceed to take the other children to the hospital, despite suffering a major gash to the head.  Julian arrives and more genius occurs as a car driven by an unknown driver knocks the stricken vehicle into the water below.  AMAZING.  At this point my mouth was hanging open and I was thinking Christ Almighty they've actually nailed it.

Meanwhile, over at Quinn's the murderer has bided her time and found Quinn in bed,  Quinn hides under the bed (stealth) but is soon found and a cat fight breaks out.  Quinn makes it to the car but a huge tree has blocked her path.  Now I don't know where this tree came from, but I have never seen any trees of that size near to a beach.  Alas. Quinn is in the car, and could simply reverse over her attacker.  No, she decides to hurry back into the confinement of the house, where further scrapping ensues, resulting in them both falling through a balcony and into the pool.  The murderer seems to come off best and the audience is led to believe Quinn is dead.  Great I thought.  There is going to be at least two tragedies tonight.

Back at the bridge, Jamie, Julian and Brooke are now trapped in the car.  Then the levee breaks and more water enters the scene.  How Peyton would have loved the Led Zeppelin references.  Oh the irony!  Julian frees Jamie and goes back for Brooke but can't save her.  Brooke Davis dead.  Fantastic.  So great.  People love the tragedies in these shows, its what its all about.  Hayley and Nathan arrive and Jamie says it aloud "Aunt Brooke is dead", Julian sobbing in the foreground.  The end.  Black screen.  Finish.  Please watch next week....

Oh no wait.  This is One Tree Hill, nothing bad can actually happen.  Both death victims then suddenly awaken and are fine.  Quinn even finds the time to shoot the murderer and tell her she is "her storm", whatever that means.  Almost there One Tree Hill.  You nearly had it.  At least Mouth wasn't in it.

Ta la x

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Dan Scott!!

Hurrah! Who would have thought that only today I would have written about Dan Scott, and then he should appear again.  Working at a burger shack in the woods, rocking an interesting bearded wild man look. Oh well he is of course a crazed murdering lunatic and can therefore pull off most looks.  His aim seemed somehow to persuade Quinn not to murder the murderer.  I am slightly confused as to this storyline, as there seems to be absolutely no police involvement whatsoever.  All they seem to have done was to put some tape across the front door of the beach house.  This "do not enter" sign was ignored by Nathan previously who then appeared to scrub all evidence from the scene.  How annoying for Quinn that she didn't have it in her to brutally murder the blonde murderer.  Especially now that she's back and Quinn threw her gun in the sea.  Looks like she's going to regret that decision.  Didn't see that coming - oh no wait yes I did.

Brooke and Julian, Bless.  He took her on a fake sky dive and  then to a place with the most ridiculously large moon known to man.  I enjoy that Brooke has lost everything and yet still drives a big jeep and a lives in a huge house.  Maybe the debtors didn't notice those assets when she "lost everything".

Last week a NBA star, yesterday an agent, today a college student.  Nathan what are you doing?  Be reasonable and live off your success.

Alex the actress was hotter than ever and deceived Amy Winehouse by kissing Chase.  I hope he deceives Winehouse too and then she leaves Tree Hill for good then overdoses on crack.  The Irish person sang tonight   and I still don't understand her.  Kid Kudi appeared for no reason, using the classic "You'll never guess who I've booked at tric" line.  Jeez, they've only used that about 35 million times.  At least its better than when Sheryl Crow walked into Karen's Cafe by chance back in the day.

Generally a decent episode, but not without its disappointment.  Anything with Dan Scott in, and Mouth not in has to be reasonable.

Ta la x


So this is blogging,  I guess you just sit here and type stuff that people may or not read and then save it on the internet.  Kind of weird when you think about it. Anyway I'll probably do it about 4 times then never do it again, but here goes...

Alas. I am currently engaging myself in One Tree Hill Season 8.  (I appreciate that  this is probably out of date due to the fact that I live in England). Well.  I never watched One Tree Hill when it was on first. I think for a substantial amount of time I thought it was called One True Hill.  Anyway, when I was at University I was required to complete a year abroad in Spain.  In order to survive this I purchased Series 1-5 and enjoyed it greatly.  Dan Scott was excellent and Brooke Davis was outrageously attractive.  After then I think it was that the series definitely deteriorated.  This enraged me greatly because my fave TV show ever was The OC and that was cut short after 4 seasons, and One Tree Hill seems to be immortal.  Anyhow I continued to watch and saw some terrible stories, including what I do believe to be the worst 40 minutes of TV viewing I have ever experienced in some sort of 1940's imaginary episode.  It was atrocious.  I hate that in One Tree Hill they love dream episodes.  They are always awful.

So far I have seen about 8 episodes of this season.  I would be lying if I said I were impressed.  Nothing happens.  When it started as a dream after the shooting I actually nearly planted my head through the television,  After planning my suicide for 39 minutes I was most relieved to discover they were actually injured.  Turns out I had endure several more episodes of Quinn and Clay walking around in this sort of purgatory place, between life and death.  Quinn was first to survive, which I was most relieved about because she is so beautiful, and then Clay survived at the expense of a black man and his kidney.

Jamie Scott has lost all novelty.  They have obviously realised he is too small and fat to be a basketball player like his father and uncle and now seem to be taking him down the baseball route.  That is about it for him.  Also Hayley need be pregnant as she is increasing in size.  Poor Nathan retiring though, good job it only took a day for him to become an agent.

I quite like Julian.  He is so wise, but I wish he didn't film everything.  That annoys me.  Brooke's story is good too, but really keep the money, the investors take that risk.  I do not care about the Barman, or the healthy Amy Winehouse person or the actress, but he should choose the actress because she is insanely hot.

Don't even get me started on Mouth and Millicent.  He is the weirdest human being the world has ever known.

There is a new Irish person.  Genuinely never heard an Irish person talk like that.  She keeps saying some weird word for cheers as well. No idea what that is.

Well that is it.  My First Blog.  If you liked it good, if not i'm sure there are better ones.  It won't always be about One Tree Hill,  sometimes it could be football, or tv shows that are still on TV, or perhaps something new that takes me fancy.

Ta la x